2 Port HDMI Splitter

Views: 17
Currently Unavailable £
Weight 0.50 Kg
Item Number HSP2

2 Port HMDI Splitter

This splitter enables audio and video from a Blu-ray player, HD satellite receiver, set-top box or games computer to be simultaneously shown on 2 HDTV screens. This way, it will not be necessary to change HDMI cables. The splitter supports Full HD 1080p and has high quality gold plated HDMI connections which ensure that audio and video quality are retained.

The splitter has the ability of buffering and amplifying. Each output can achieve long distance transmission of HDMI signal of more than 15 meters. When two or more products are cascaded, they can create a larger distribution and longer in length. This makes this splitter/amplifier ideal for use at conference room presentation, schools and showrooms.
