Project Kits

Project Kits

5W Guitar Valve Amplifier Kit - Fender 5F1 Champ Style


5W Guitar Valve Amplifier Kit - Fender 5F1 Champ Style   

  This is our take on the famous Fender Champ Guitar Amp from the 50s. It offers a beautifully rich, creamy sound with a lovely warm bass and mid response that you can only get from a valve amp. When we tested this kit for the first time it's sound surpassed all of our expectations and we are all super excited to share this experience with you.

  Using a high voltage DC-DC boost converter instead of the conventional power transformer and rectifier valve, this amp kit is lighter, smaller and more cost effective without compromising on the performance. Since the boost converter requires only a 12V DC input, this amp can also be used on the go, and can even be powered by 12V batteries. Our design also includes a cathode bypass capacitor on the first triode gain stage to increase the gain, this is a common modification done to the original amp and we think this makes it sound better. If you want the original sound this capacitor can be omitted.

  We recommend using a 12V power supply that can supply at least 5A like this one BSM1250

The following components are included in this kit:

    • Step by step instruction manual
    • 68kΩ
    ½ Watt carbon film resistor x 1
    • 1MΩ ½ Watt carbon film resistor x 1
    • 1MΩ 16mm logarithmic potentiometer x 1
    • 1.5kΩ ½ Watt carbon film resistor x 1
    • 100kΩ ½ Watt carbon film resistor x 1
    • 22kΩ ½ Watt carbon film resistor x 1
    • 10kΩ ½ Watt carbon film resistor x 1
    • 220kΩ ½ Watt carbon film resistor x 1
    • 470Ω ½ Watt carbon film resistor x 1
    • 270Ω 0.4 Watt metal film resistor x 1
    • 1.1kΩ 0.4 Watt metal film resistor x 1
    • 1kΩ ½ Watt carbon film resistor x 1
    • 22nF 305V polypropylene capacitor x 1
    • 8µF 450V axial electrolytic capacitor x 1
    • 16µF 450V axial electrolytic capacitor x 1
    • 22µF 35V tantalum capacitor x 1
    • 100nF 50V multi-layer ceramic capacitor x 1
    • 1µF 50V multi-layer ceramic capacitor x 1
    • 1.5µF 35V tantalum capacitor x 1
    • 6V6GT or 6П6С beam tetrode valve x 1
    • ECC83 or 12AX7 double triode valve x 1
    • LM317T 1.5A adjustable voltage regulator x 1
    6.3mm PCB-mount switched jack socket x 1
     6.3mm panel-mount switched jack socket x 1
     2.1 x 5.5mm DC socket x 1
     5mm red LED x 1
     B9A PCB-mount valve base x 1
     Octal PCB-mount valve base x 1
     High voltage DC-DC step up boost converter x 1
     5F1 Output transformer x 1
     10A SPST toggle switch x 1
     1 foot of 6A double core power cable x 1
     1 foot of 42 strand speaker cable x 1
     1 foot of high voltage power cable x 1
     Finned heatsink x 1
     PCB screw terminal x 1
     M3 nut and bolt x 1
     Heatsink thermal pad & bush x 1
     PCB x 1

To assemble this kit, you will need the following tools:

 This kit will fit nicely in a G116 enclosure (Hammond 1550G).



(inc VAT £174.00)

Ultimate Fuzz Face Clone - NPN Germanium NKT713


Guitar Fuzz Effects Pedal Kit v2

This kit is based on the legendary fuzz face pedal. Instead of ultra rare germanium transistors, it uses genuine new old stock NKT713 Newmarket vintage NPN germanium transistors to give you that classic germanium fuzz, while keeping the cost down. This project is ideal if you're looking to get into guitar pedal building.

The v2 includes an indicator LED and a footswitch daughterboard to make assembly easier and cleaner.

The following components are included in this kit:

  • Instructions  x 1
  • 100kΩ 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 33kΩ 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 470Ω 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 4.7kΩ 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 1MΩ 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 2.2kΩ 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 2.2µF 25V electrolytic capacitor x 1
  • 22µF 25V electrolytic capacitor x 1
  • 10nF dipped polyester capacitor x 1
  • 220µF 25V electrolytic capacitor x 1
  • 100nF boxpoly capacitor x 1
  • 1N4007 diode x 1
  • 1kΩ 9mm vertical potentiometer x 1
  • 500kΩ 9mm vertical potentiometer x 1
  • 10kΩ 10mm horizontal trimpot x 1
  • 5mm red LED x 1
  • LED Spacer x 1
  • NKT713 Germanium NPN BJT
  • 6.3mm (1/4") stereo chassis socket x 1
  • 6.3mm (1/4") mono chassis socket x 1
  • 2.1 x 5.5mm switched DC chassis socket x 1
  • PP3 battery snap x 1
  • PCB x 1
  • Footswitch x 1
  • Footswitch daughterboard PCB x 1
  • Hookup wire x 50cm

To assemble this kit, you will need the following tools:

  • Soldering iron and solder
  • Side cutters
  • Track cutter
  • Drill (only needed if you want to drill an enclosure)




(inc VAT £34.80)

Ultimate Fuzz Face Clone v2 - NPN Silicon


Guitar Fuzz Effects Pedal Kit v2

This kit is based on the legendary fuzz face pedal. Instead of germanium transistors, it uses newer, more commonly available NPN silicon transistors to give you a harsh and sharp fuzz, while keeping the cost down. This project is ideal if you're looking to get into guitar pedal building.

The v2 includes an indicator LED and a footswitch daughterboard to make assembly easier and cleaner.

The following components are included in this kit:

  • Instructions  x 1
  • 100kΩ 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 33kΩ 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 470Ω 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 4.7kΩ 1/4W caron resistor x 1
  • 1MΩ 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 2.2kΩ 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 2.2µF 25V electrolytic capacitor x 1
  • 22µF 25V electrolytic capacitor x 1
  • 10nF dipped polyester capacitor x 1
  • 220µF 25V electrolytic capacitor x 1
  • 100nF boxpoly capacitor x 1
  • 1N4007 diode x 1
  • 1kΩ 9mm vertical potentiometer x 1
  • 500kΩ 9mm vertical potentiometer x 1
  • 10kΩ 10mm horizontal trimpot x 1
  • 5mm red LED x 1
  • BC108 NPN BJT x 1
  • BC183 NPN BJT x 1
  • 6.3mm (1/4") stereo chassis socket x 1
  • 6.3mm (1/4") mono chassis socket x 1
  • 2.1 x 5.5mm switched DC chassis socket x 1
  • PP3 battery snap x 1
  • PCB x 1
  • Footswitch x 1
  • Footswitch daughterboard PCB x 1
  • Hookup wire x 50cm

To assemble this kit, you will need the following tools:

  • Soldering iron and solder
  • Side cutters
  • Track cutter
  • Drill (optional - only needed if you want to drill an enclosure)




(inc VAT £21.60)

10W Amplifier Kit for TDA2003A


TDA2003A 10W Amplifier Kit

This kit uses a TDA2003 to create a small but powerful audio amplifier suitable for most uses. It works best with supply voltages between 8-18VDC and loads down to 2Ω.
Perfect for use with passive bookshelf speakers, or as a general purpose audio amplifier. 

The following components are included in this kit:

  • Circuit Layout Diagram + Schematic x 1
  • Volume (20kΩ LOG) potentiometer x 1 
  • 1000µF 16V Capacitor x 1
  • 470µF 25V Capacitor x 1
  • 100µF 25V Capacitor x 1
  • 10µF 25V Capacitor x 1
  • 100nF Boxpoly Capacitor x 2
  • 47nF Boxpoly Capacitor x 1
  • 2W 1Ω Resistor x 1
  • 2W 2.2Ω Resistor x 1
  • Metal Film 220Ω Resistor x 1
  • Metal Film 39Ω Resistor x 1
  • PCB Terminal Blocks x 2
  • PCB x 1
  • TDA2003A IC x 1

Technical Specifications:

Input Voltage: 8-18VDC
Output Power: 10W @ RL= 2Ω, 6W @ RL= 4Ω
THD: 0.18% @ RL= 2Ω, f = 1kHz
Efficiency: 65% @ RL = 2Ω, f = 1kHz
Power Dissipation @ Tcase = 90­°C: 20W 
Frequency Response: 40-15000Hz




(inc VAT £9.60)

Flashing LED Christmas Tree Kit


Flashing LED Christmas Tree Kit


The perfect Christmas decoration for the electronic enthusiast.This kit is ideal for beginners and professionals alike. Build your own Christmas tree complete with red, yellow and green LEDs the are driven by a transistor flashing circuit. 


Can be powered via the micro-USB socket (USB cable not included!) or via batteries (battery holder not included).



(inc VAT £10.20)

LED Lighthouse Solder Practice Kit


LED Lighthouse Solder Practice Kit

This simple flashing LED circuit is great for learning how to solder or to polish up on your soldering skills. It uses a 555 timer in the astable configuration to flash the LEDs continuously. The rate of flashing can be changed by adjusting the variable trimmer potentiometer R2 (f ≈ 0.3Hz-30Hz). It can be powered by a 9V PP3 battery (not supplied).

The kit is supplied with Yellow LEDs by default but you can choose Red, Blue, Green or White
 LEDs from the drop-down list above.


(inc VAT £10.20)

Non-Contact Metal Detector Kit


Non-Contact Metal Detector Kit

Basic metal detector sensor module with buzzer and LED alarm. Will detect metal at a range of up to 60mm, including through soil, cothing, etc. Requires an input voltage of 3-5V DC, which can be supplied to the module via the 2 pin screw terminal (e.g. battery pack, USB, power supply). The sensitivity can be adjusted by the VR1 potentiometer.



(inc VAT £4.20)

Smart Line Tracking Car Kit


Smart Line Tracking Car Kit

Simple line tracking robot car kit that is designed to introduce people of all ages to electronics and soldering.

The red LEDs (on the bottom) illuminate the surface in front of the car and the LDRs (light dependent resistors) pick up the reflection off the surface. The comparator (LM393) will then determine if the car is following the line and make the necessary adjustments. R1 and R2 potentiometers are used to adjust the sensitivity of the LDRs.

Requires 2 x AA batteries (not included). 

Tools required: soldering iron, side cutters, Philips screwdriver


(inc VAT £10.20)

SMD Component Solder Practice Kit


SMD Component Solder Practice Kit

Surface-mount PCB including components; ideal for learning surface-mount soldering. When the components are soldered correctly, the LEDs should flash and alternate. This kit has the following SMD packages: 0402, 0603, 0805, 1206 and SOT-23. Requires 3-12V DC to operate the circuit.



(inc VAT £4.20)

Tesla Coil Kit With Audio Input


Tesla Coil Kit with Audio Input

Amaze your friends with this cool musical tesla coil kit. When fully assembled, this module will act as a tesla coil which will play audio through the arcs when an audio source (e.g. phone, laptop) is connected to the audio input of the coil. It runs on 15-24V DC, either from batteries or a power supply (not included). 


Power Input: 12-24V DC, 2.1 x 5.5mm 
Audio Input: 3.5mm stereo socket (only the left channel is active)
PCB Dimensions: 80 x 38mm

Please note: Tesla coils produce very high voltages; do not touch this device when it is turned on! This device produces intense radio frequency interference which can affect any electronic devices near it (e.g. pacemakers). Lastly, the arcs produced by Tesla coils can ignite flammable objects; keep all flammable objects away from the Tesla coil.




(inc VAT £11.40)

Ultrasonic Smart Object Avoidance Car Kit


Smart Object Avoidance Car Kit

Ultrasonic smart object avoidance robot car kit that is designed to introduce people of all ages to electronics and soldering.

The car has an ultrasonic distance sensor mounted on a swiveling platform which is used to determine the distance from the car to any potential obstacles. 
Requires 2 x AA batteries (not included). 

Tools required: soldering iron, side cutters, Philips screwdriver


(inc VAT £30.00)

Audio Spectrum Analyzer Kit


 VU Audio Level Display Kit

Simple USB-powered audio spectrum analyzer using STC15W408AS microcontroller.  Sensitivity is adjusted using the trimpot RP1 and various modes can be selected using the tactile switch SW1.

Technical Specifications:

Supply Voltage: 5VDC (USB)
PCB Dimensions: 123mm x 63mm




(inc VAT £19.80)

Digital FM Radio DIY Kit


47dB Microphone Preamplifier Kit

A simple but reliable portable RDA5807M-based radio capable of receiving FM radio in the 87-107MHz range. The radio can be tuned via the 2 rightmost buttons (in 100khz increments) and the volume using the buttons on the left. It can be powered by 2 x AA batteries, or via the micro-USB socket provided. This device also has a headphone output (3.5mm jack).

Click here for manual

An Instructables article detailing the assembly process can be found by clicking here

Technical Specifications:

Input Voltage: 3-5VDC
Output impedance: 8Ω
Output power: 0.5W
Receiver frequency: 87MHz-108Mhz
Dimensions (fully assembled): 107 x 70 x 23mm




(inc VAT £19.80)

Microphone Preamplifier Kit


47dB Microphone Preamplifier Kit

This deceptively simple 2 stage transistor preamp kit provides a remarkably clear boost to allow a microphone to be used in a standard line level input.   

  • Instructions x 1
  • PP3 9V Battery Clip x 1 
  • 1µF Boxpoly Capacitor x 2
  • 100nF Ceramic Capacitor x 1
  • 10µF Ceramic Capacitor x 1
  • 100µF Electrolytic Capacitor x 1
  • 22kΩ 1/4W Carbon Resistor x 1
  • 4.7MΩ 1/4W Carbon Resistor x 1
  • 1MΩ 1/4W Carbon Resistor x 1
  • 3.3kΩ 1/4W Carbon Resistor x 1
  • 47kΩ 1/4W Carbon Resistor x 1
  • BC547B Transistor  x 2
  • Neutrik NYS2152 1/4" (6.3mm) Jacks x 2
  • PCB x 1

Technical Specifications:

Input Voltage: 9VDC
Gain: 47dB
THD: < 0.5%




(inc VAT £14.40)

RAT-in-a-CAN Distortion Kit (Based on the Original Pro Co RAT)


RAT-in-a-CAN Distortion Effect Kit

A distortion unit based on the legendary Pro Co RAT pedal from 1978. 

  We decided to make a RAT clone to rival the original “Pro Co RAT” and the best way to do this is to use the original Op Amp that gives the RAT its unique sound, the LM308. As we have some original LM308 ICs from the 70’s in our stocks we figured we could do it and do it well. There is a small difference in the fact that the original Pro Co RAT used the LM308N (8 Pin Plastic package) and we had the LM308H (8 Pin Metal can). The 2 chips are identical in how they work and sound but they look different, we decided to celebrate this difference in our design and so the “RAT in a Can” was born. 

   Unlike other modern clones that use “similar” Op Amps that can often sound a bit muddy and bass heavy, the RAT in a Can will give you gut-wrenching harsh fuzz and an astronomically high gain, this pedal is sure to make your guitar scream like a pack of angry rats.

  We hope you have as much fun building and using the RAT in a Can as we did designing and naming it.


Included in the kit

22nF Box Poly Capacitor x 1

1nF Box Poly Capacitor x 1

100µF 16VElectrolytic Capacitor x 1

100nF Box Poly Capacitor x 1

33pF Ceramic Capacitor x 1

2.2µF 63V Electrolytic Capacitor x 1 

4.7µF 63V Electrolytic Capacitor x 2

100pF Ceramic Capacitor x 1

3.3nF Box Poly Capacitor x 1

1µF Box Poly Capacitor x 1

1N4007 Diode x 1

1N914 Diode x 2

1MΩ Resistor x 3

1kΩ Resistor x 2

47Ω Resistor x 2

100kΩ Resistor x 2

560Ω Resistor x 1

1.5kΩ Resistor x 1

10kΩ Resistor x 1

100k LOG Potentiometers x 3

BF245 JFET x 1

LM308H or UA308H op-amp x 1

9V PP3 Clip x 1

1/4" (6.3mm) Jack Sockets x 2

3 Pole Double Throw Footswitch x 1

Rat in a Can PCB x 1





(inc VAT £38.40)

VU Audio Level Display Kit


 VU Audio Level Display Kit

Simple LM3914-based VU display kit with 10 segment LED display and input trim potentiometer. The resistors included in the kit make it a 0V-1.4V display 

  • Instructions x 1
  • 100Ω Carbon Resistor x 1
  • 4.7kΩ Carbon Resstor x 1
  • 10k Trim Potentiometer
  • LM3914 (this kit can be also used with LM3915 and LM3916)
  • 10-Segment Bar Display
  • 20 pin IC socket (to be used with the display)
  • PCB x 1

Technical Specifications:

Input Voltage: 5VDC
Signal Range: 0V-1.4V




(inc VAT £9.60)

Arduino Uno R3 Starter Kit with RFID


UNO R3 Arduino-compatible starter kit complete with an Arduino Uno board with essential accessories, plus a multitude of parts and modules to start building interesting projects

The Arduino is a great bit of kit for anyone interested in electronics.

This kit comes with everything you need to get started with an Arduino (apart from a PC to program it).

This is the newer RFID version of the kit, containing more useful sensors and parts to make your introduction to Arduino a better experience. 

Supplied with the kit:
Arduino UNO R3 
USB A to B 200mm 
830 Tie Points Breadboard
10x 200mm Male to Female Jumper Cables
32x  Male to Male Jumper Cables
2 x 36 Pin Male Single in Line header
1602 16 character 2 Row backlit LCD Display 
I2C SPI Serial Interface Board (LCD Piggyback) 
DS1302 Real Time Clock Module
RC522 RFID Kit
7 Segment Single Digit LED Display
7 Segment Four Digit LED Display
8 x 8 LED Dot Matrix
74HC595 8 Bit Shift Register
Water Level Sensor
ULN2003 Four Phase Stepper Motor Driver
28BYJ-48 5V Four Phase Stepper Motor 
KY019 5V Relay Module
KY015 Temperature and Humidity Module
KY016 RGB LED Module
KY037 Sound Sensor 
KY023 Dual Axis Joystick Module
PP3 Battery Snap with 2.1mm x 5.5mm plug
Infrared Remote Control
Infrared Transmitter/Receiver
4x4 16 Button Matrix
SG90 Servo Motor
2 x SW-520 Tilt Sensor
Active Piezo Buzzer
Passive Piezo Buzzer
10 x Blue LED
10 x Red LED
10 x Yellow LED 
3 x Light Dependent Resistor
Flame Sensor/ Infrared Receiver
LM35 Temperature Sensor
10KΩ Linear Potentiometer (Variable Resistor)
10 x 220Ω Resistors
10 x 1KΩ Resistors
10 x 10kΩ Resistors
10 x 330R Resistors
4 x 10mm Tactile Switches
4 x Tactile Switch Caps
Infrared Receiver
Resistor Colour Code Chart
CD with projects
Carry Case
The Arduino IDE Software can be downloaded from the Arduino website here
You can download a copy of the included CD here

Arduino CD




Arduino Quick Start Guide


Installing the Arduino IDE

  1. Go to and download the appropriate version for your system.
  2. Run the installation file (usually called arduino-1.xx.xx-windows.exe).
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.

Connecting the Arduino to a computer

  1. Connect the Arduino to your computer using the USB cable provided.
  2. Open the Arduino IDE and click on “Tools”. When prompted by windows firewall click allow.
  3. Move the cursor over “Board” and select your Arduino board from the list (e.g. “Arduino Uno”).
  4. Click on “Tools” again and move the cursor over “Port”. Now, select the USB port where the Arduino is plugged in. If you have multiple devices under “Ports” and you are unsure which one is the Arduino, try selecting one of the ports and then click on “Tools” and select “Get board info”. If the Arduino port is selected, a small window displaying the board information will appear, otherwise keep trying different ports until the window appears.
  5. To check if the Arduino is connected correctly, click on the “Upload” button at the top of the screen (button with arrow pointing to the right) and wait for the empty sketch to upload. If no errors come up, you’re all set up and ready to go!

Installing Arduino Libraries

Method 1

  1. Open the Arduino IDE and click on “Tools” at the top of the screen.
  2. Click on “Manage Libraries”.
  3. Type in the name of the library you wish to install (e.g. “CCS811”) and press enter.
  4. The Library Manager will now display a number of relevant libraries. Hover the cursor over the required library and click “Install”. When the installation has finished, close the Library Manager window.

Method 2

  1. Download the library you wish to install.
  2. Extract the folder from the zip file and paste it in the following location:

         Windows XP and above: C:\Users\%username%\Documents\Arduino\Libraries

         Mac: /Users/<username>/Documents/Arduino/libraries/

         Linux: /usr/share/arduino/libraries/ (you must delete the dashes in the folder name, if there are any)

  1. Restart the Arduino IDE.


(inc VAT £48.00)

Guitar Fuzz Effects Pedal Kit - NKT128 Authentic Newmarket PNP Germanium


Guitar Fuzz Effects Pedal Kit with Authentic Newmarket Germanium Transistors

This kit is based on the legendary fuzz face pedal. Instead of ultra rare germanium transistors, it uses new old stock Newmarket PNP germanium transistors to give you that classic germanium fuzz, while keeping the cost down. This project is ideal if you're looking to get into guitar pedal building. A schematic and layout diagram will be provided with the kit.

The following components are included in this kit:

  • Circuit Layout Diagram + Schematic x 1
  • Volume (500kΩ LOG) and fuzz (5kΩ LIN) potentiometers x 1 each
  • NKT128 Transistors x 2
  • CPB10N Boxpoly 10nF Capacitor x 1
  • 2.2µF Electrolytic Capacitor x 1
  • 22µF Electrolytic Capacitor x 1
  • 330Ω Metal Film Resistor x 1
  • 33kΩ Metal Film Resistor x 1
  • 100kΩ Metal Film Resistor x 1
  • 8.2kΩ Metal Film Resistor x 1 
  • 6.3mm (1/4") Open Jack Socket x 2
  • PP3 9V Battery Snap x 1
  • DPDT Latching Footswitch x 1
  • 9x25 Stripboard x 1



To assemble this kit, you will need the following tools:

  • Soldering iron and solder
  • Side cutters
  • Track cutter
  • Drill (optional - only needed if you want to use an enclosure)




(inc VAT £31.80)

Guitar Fuzz Effects Pedal Kit - NKT713 Authentic Newmarket NPN Germanium


Guitar Fuzz Effects Pedal Kit with Authentic Newmarket Germanium Transistors

This kit is based on the legendary fuzz face pedal. Instead of ultra rare germanium transistors, it uses new old stock Newmarket vintage NPN germanium transistors to give you that classic germanium fuzz, while keeping the cost down. This project is ideal if you're looking to get into guitar pedal building. A schematic and layout diagram will be provided with the kit.

The following components are included in this kit:

  • Circuit Layout Diagram + Schematic x 1
  • Volume (500kΩ LOG) and fuzz (5kΩ LIN) potentiometers x 1 each
  • NKT713 Transistors x 2
  • CPB10N Boxpoly 10nF Capacitor x 1
  • 2.2µF Electrolytic Capacitor x 1
  • 22µF Electrolytic Capacitor x 1
  • 330Ω Metal Film Resistor x 1 
  • 33kΩ Metal Film Resistor x 1
  • 100kΩ Metal Film Resistor x 1
  • 8.2kΩ Metal Film Resistor x 1
  • 6.3mm (1/4") Open Jack Socket x 2
  • PP3 9V Battery Snap x 1
  • DPDT Latching Footswitch x 1
  • 9x25 Stripboard x 1



To assemble this kit, you will need the following tools:

  • Soldering iron and solder
  • Side cutters
  • Track cutter
  • Drill (optional - only needed if you want to use an enclosure)




(inc VAT £31.20)

Guitar Fuzz Effects Pedal Kit - Silicon NPN


Guitar Fuzz Effects Pedal Kit

There is now a v2 with a few improvements including a footswitch daughterboard! Click here

This kit is based on the legendary fuzz face pedal. Instead of germanium transistors, it uses newer, more commonly available NPN silicon transistors to give you a harsh and sharp fuzz, while keeping the cost down. This project is ideal if you're looking to get into guitar pedal building.

The following components are included in this kit:

  • Instructions  x 1
  • Volume (500kΩ LIN) and fuzz (5kΩ LIN) potentiometers x 1 each
  • BC108 and BC183 Transistors x 1 each
  • 10nf Dipped Polyester Capacitor x 1
  • 2.2µF Electrolytic Capacitor x 1
  • 22µF Electrolytic Capacitor x 1
  • 470Ω Metal Film Resistor x 1
  • 33kΩ Metal Film Resistor x 1
  • 100kΩ Metal Film Resistor x 1
  • 2.2kΩ Metal Film Resistor x 1
  • 6.3mm (1/4") Open Jack Socket x 2
  • PP3 9V Battery Snap x 1
  • 3PDT Latching Footswitch x 1
  • PCB x 1



To assemble this kit, you will need the following tools:

  • Soldering iron and solder
  • Side cutters
  • Track cutter
  • Drill (optional - only needed if you want to drill an enclosure)




(inc VAT £18.00)