Ultimate Fuzz Face Clone v2 - NPN Silicon

Category: Project Kits
Views: 32
Our Price


(inc VAT £21.60)
Weight 0.25 Kg
Item Number CKFUZN1v2

Guitar Fuzz Effects Pedal Kit v2

This kit is based on the legendary fuzz face pedal. Instead of germanium transistors, it uses newer, more commonly available NPN silicon transistors to give you a harsh and sharp fuzz, while keeping the cost down. This project is ideal if you're looking to get into guitar pedal building.

The v2 includes an indicator LED and a footswitch daughterboard to make assembly easier and cleaner.

The following components are included in this kit:

  • Instructions  x 1
  • 100kΩ 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 33kΩ 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 470Ω 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 4.7kΩ 1/4W caron resistor x 1
  • 1MΩ 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 2.2kΩ 1/4W carbon resistor x 1
  • 2.2µF 25V electrolytic capacitor x 1
  • 22µF 25V electrolytic capacitor x 1
  • 10nF dipped polyester capacitor x 1
  • 220µF 25V electrolytic capacitor x 1
  • 100nF boxpoly capacitor x 1
  • 1N4007 diode x 1
  • 1kΩ 9mm vertical potentiometer x 1
  • 500kΩ 9mm vertical potentiometer x 1
  • 10kΩ 10mm horizontal trimpot x 1
  • 5mm red LED x 1
  • BC108 NPN BJT x 1
  • BC183 NPN BJT x 1
  • 6.3mm (1/4") stereo chassis socket x 1
  • 6.3mm (1/4") mono chassis socket x 1
  • 2.1 x 5.5mm switched DC chassis socket x 1
  • PP3 battery snap x 1
  • PCB x 1
  • Footswitch x 1
  • Footswitch daughterboard PCB x 1
  • Hookup wire x 50cm

To assemble this kit, you will need the following tools:

  • Soldering iron and solder
  • Side cutters
  • Track cutter
  • Drill (optional - only needed if you want to drill an enclosure)

