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Analog temperature sensor module for Arduino KY-013


Analogue temperature module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

Based on an NTC thermistor that lowers its resistance by temperature change.


Temperature range : -55C to 125C

Voltage : 5VDC

Size 19x15mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Capacitive Touch Sensor Module for Arduino


Capacitive touch sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

One side has a 9mm x 9mm capacitive touch area, and a TTP223 touch sensor IC on the reverse.

An LED indicates when the switch is touched. It can be set to either a high or low output, and momentary or latching output by joining or not joining the A and B connections: 

A open = High output when touched
A Closed = Low output when touched
B open = Momentary switch action
B Closed = Latching switch action
Voltage : 3 to 5VDC
PCB Size 14x10mm


(inc VAT £1.20)

Carbon Monoxide gas sensor module for Arduino MQ-7


Carbon Monoxide sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

A Carbon Monoxide sensor detects CO in normal air conditions.
The resistance of the sensor changes with CO levels giving a varying voltage on the analogue pin. A comparator supplies a digital output when the CO level reaches a certain level, set with the built in potentiometer.
Please note, this sensor needs to run for 24-48 hours before first time use
Voltage : 5VDC
Current : 100mA
Sensitivity : 10 to 10000ppm
Size 32x21mm


(inc VAT £4.20)

CJMCU-7620 Arduino-Compatible Gesture Recognition Sensor


CJMCU7620 Arduino-Compatible Gesture Recognition Sensor

This PAJ7620-based sensor offers a built-in proximity sensor and is capable of detecting 9 various hand gestures (up, down, left, right, forward, backward, clockwise, counterclockwise and waving). The I2C bus makes it easy to interface with a large variety of microcontrollers. 

Voltage: 3.3VDC 

Size: 21x15mm



(inc VAT £9.60)

CJMCU-811CO2 VOC Air quality Module with CCS811 for Arduino and other microcontroller projects



What is the CJUMCU-811 Module?

CO2 and VOC indoor air quality sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module has a CCS811 module that is an ultra low powered digital gas sensor using a metal oxide multi compound sensor. The module uses the onboard MCU to manage the sensor and provide the needed Analogue to Digital conversion and I2C interface making it simple to add to your project. It will detect a wide range of VOCs including Carbon Monoxide and can convert this to an eCO2 (equivalent CO2) value.

Voltage: 3.3VDC 

Size: 21x15mm

How Can I use the CJUMCU-811 to test air quality and CO2 levels?

Here is an example project for an air quality meter using the CJUMCU-811, an Arduino Uno and a 1602 LCD screen with a KY1602 to display CO2 levels and air quality:



Air Quality Sensor with LCD

In this project, we will be building an air quality station that can measure eCO2 (estimated carbon dioxide) levels and a wide range of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds). High VOC levels can contribute to a wide range of health complications and high CO2 levels (>1000ppm) can impair normal cognitive function, so it is useful to be able to monitor them.

Here’s what you will need:

Soldering Iron
Jumper Leads (male to female)

CJMCU811 x 1
LCD1602B LCD screen x1
Arduino Uno x 1 or Arduino Nano x 1
KY1602 Parallel to Serial converter


CCS811 Arduino Library

PCF8574 Arduino Library


Step 1
First you will need to assemble the project. The CJMCU should come with a set of pin headers that need to be soldered directly on it and the KY1602 should be soldered directly to the back of the LCD screen. Now, connect everything together using the wiring diagram below for reference.




Connecting the CJMCU811 to an Arduino       Connecting the KY1602 to an Arduino and a 1602 LCD 
CJMCU                           Arduino                     KY1602                          Arduino            LCD
VCC----------------------------3.3V                       VCC-----------------------------5V
GND----------------------------GND                      GND----------------------------GND
SCL------------------------------A5                        SCL-----------------------------A5
SDA-----------------------------A4                         SDA-----------------------------A4
                                                                        Pins 1-16---------------------------------------Pins 1-16*

 *pin 1 on the KY1602 is the one nearest to the 4 data and power pins


Step 2
Connect your Arduino to the PC and install the above Libraries. If you don’t know how to do this, CLICK HERE and follow the “Installing Arduino Libraries” section.

Step 3
We can now create the code to get this all working:

First, delete the code in the IDE window, then include the aforementioned libraries:  

#include <LCD_I2C.h> 
#include <Wire.h> 
#include "SparkFunCCS811.h" 


Now, We need to declare the I2C devices and their addresses:  

#define CCS811_ADDR 0x5B 
LCD_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); 
CCS811 sensor(CCS811_ADDR); 

Initialize the I2C devices and turn on lCD backlight in the setup function:

void setup() 

Start serial communication  


Check to see if the CJMCU is configured correctly, otherwise display error message:

if (sensor.begin() == false) 
  Serial.print("Sensor error. Check connection"); 
  while (1); 

Starting the void loop function. Check to see if the data from the sensor is available, and if so, read and calculate the results:

if (sensor.dataAvailable()) 

Send the data via serial port:

  Serial.print("] tVOC["); 

Display the same data on the LCD display:

lcd.print("Est. CO2 - "); 
lcd.print("Tot. VOC - "); 

Add 10ms delay to prevent overloading the I2C bus:


The completed code should look like this:


Connecting the CJMCU811 to an Arduino Uno or an Arduino Nano:  
CJMCU811       Arduino 
#include <lcd_i2c.h> 
#include <wire.h> 
#include "SparkFunCCS811.h" 
LCD_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); //Address of the KY1602 module 
#define CCS811_ADDR 0x5A //if it doesn't work, change to 0x5B 
CCS811 sensor(CCS811_ADDR); 
void setup() 
  Wire.begin(); //Initialize I2C Hardware 
  lcd.begin(); // If you are using more I2C devices using the Wire.h library, use lcd.begin(false) 
  Serial.begin(115200);  //Starting serial communication 
  if (sensor.begin() == false) 
  Serial.print("Sensor error. Check connection"); 
  while (1); 
void loop() 
  if (sensor.dataAvailable())//Check to see if data is ready with .dataAvailable(). if statement checking to see  
  //If so, have the sensor read and calculate the results. 
  Serial.print("CO2["); //Returns estimated CO2 reading 
  Serial.print("] tVOC[");//Returns calculated total VOC reading 
  lcd.print("Est. CO2 - "); 
  lcd.print("Tot. VOC - "); 
  delay(10); //Prevents overloading of the I2C bus 



Step 4 Press the “Upload” button at the top (button with tick, located below “File”). The IDE will now compile the code and upload it to your Arduino (this may take a few moments).

Step 5 To check if everything is working, open the serial monitor from the Arduino IDE (magnifying glass button in the top right corner) and see if you can get a reading. The CJMCU has to be left on for 24 hours before it will give a correct reading. If everything is connected correctly, the LCD should also show readings from the sensor.

Step 6 That’s it! You should now have a fully working air quality sensor. Now all you need to decide is what sort of enclosure you want to put it in. You can look at our high quality boxes HERE for ideas.



(inc VAT £19.80)

Data Logger Shield with Real Time Clock for Arduino


Data Logger Shield with Real Time Clock for Arduino Uno 

This Arduino compatible shield allows the logging and storage data from an Arduino project to an SD card.

Having a built in Real Time Clock (RTC) insures data accuracy over long time periods and at times where your project may suffer from power loss. Supplied with a CR1220 lithium battery. 


(inc VAT £5.40)

Digital temperature sensor module for Arduino KY-028


Digital temperature sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module uses an NTC thermister to sense the temperature. It also has a comparator to give a digital output as well as an analogue output and a potentiometer to adjust the level for the digital output.
Voltage : 5VDC
Size 36x16mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Ethanol Alcohol Gas Sensor Module for Arduino MQ-3


Alcahol Ethanol sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

A sensitive ethanol sensor will detect levels of alcahol in the air. The level of alcohol varies the output voltage. A comparator gives a digital output. When the ethanol level reaches a certain level, this can be set with the built in potentiometer.
Please note: this sensor needs to run for 24-48 hours before first time use
Voltage : 5VDC
Current : 300mA
Sensitivity : 0.4mg/L alcohol
Size 32x21mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Finger heartbeat measuring sensor module for Arduino KY-039


Finger heartbeat measuring sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module uses a bright IR LED and a phototransistor. When a finger is placed between the LED and transistor you will get an analogue output of light intensity that passes through the finger, this will vary every time the heart beats and indicate heart rate.
Voltage : 5VDC
Size 19x15mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Flame Sensor module for Arduino KY-026


Flame sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module uses a photo diode that is sensitive to IR between 760-1100nM so it can detect the light of a flame. 
It also has a comparator to give a digital output as well as an analogue output and a potentiometer to adjust the level for the digital output.
Voltage : 5VDC
Size 36x16mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

GY-521 3 Axis Accelerometer Gyroscope module for Arduino MPU-6050


3 Axis accelerometer and gyroscope module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module has an MPU-6050 accelerometer and gyroscope IC on a GY-521 breakout board, making it easy to use this amazing sensor.

The MPU-6050 gives an accurate position and movement data via the standard I2C protocol making it simple to add to your project.


Voltage : 3-5VDC

Gyroscope Range 250 500 1000 2000 / s

Acceleration Range : 2 4 8 16g 

Size 22x16mm


(inc VAT £3.30)

GY68 Barometric Pressure Sensor module for Arduino BMP180


Barometric pressure sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This tiny module has a BMP180 precision pressure sensor soldered on to a GY-68 breakout board to make it easy to use this amazing sensor. The BMP180 will give you accurate pressure data via the standard I2C protocol making it simple to add to your project.
Voltage : 1.8 - 3.6VDC
Preasure Range 300hPa to 1100hPa (-500m to 9000m)
Current consumption 0.5µA
Size 13x10mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Hall effect magnetic linear module for Arduino KY-024


Hall effect magnetic standard linear module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module uses a hall effect sensor to detect magnetic fields.
It also has a comparator to give a digital output and an analogue output.
A potentiometer can adjust the level for the digital output 
Voltage : 5VDC
Size 36x16mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Hall effect magnetic sensor module for Arduino KY-035


Hall effect sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects


This module has an AH49E bihor type magnetic field sensor.

The module will give an analogue output depending on the strength of a magnetic field.


Voltage : 5VDC

Temperature : -40C to 85C

Size 19x15mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Hall effect magnetic sensor with LED module for Arduino KY-003


Hall effect sensor with LED module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module has a A3144EU type high temperature hall-effect switch and a resistor and LED.
Will work as a switch in the presence of a magnetic field.
Voltage : 4.5 to 24VDC
Temperature : -40C to 85C
Size 19x15mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Heart Rate & Oximeter Sensor Using MAX30102


MAX30102-Based Heart Rate and Oximeter Sensor

This heart rate/pulse oximeter sensor uses the MAX30102 PPG (photoplethysmogram) biosensor designed to provide accurate readings, ambient light rejection and a good signal-to-noise ratio. Using I2C interface protocol, this module can be used with many microcontrollers, making it very easy to use by beginners and professionals alike. 


The module has a solder jumper on the back that allows you to select between 3.3V and 1.8V logic level. 3.3V logic level is selected by default.


Input Voltage: 3.3
V - 5V

LED Peak Wavelength: 660nm (Red LED), 880nm (Near-IR LED)
Communication Interface: I2
Dimensions: 16 x 21mm


(inc VAT £4.20)

High sensitivity sound sensor module for Arduino KY-037


High sensitivity sound sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module uses a high sensitivity microphone to detect sound levels.
It also has a comparator to give a digital output and an analogue output.
A potentiometer can adjust the level for the digital output
Voltage : 5VDC
Size 36x16mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Infrared receiver module for Arduino KY-022


Infrared receiver module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module has an 1838 IR receiver module that operates at 38kHz and can be used together with the matching transmitter module KY-005. 
Voltage : 3.5 to 5VDC
Size 19x15mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Line tracking sensor module for Arduino KY-033


Line tracking sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module uses an IR transmitter and receiver that will detect how reflective the surface is in front of the module. It has a potentiometer to adjust the sensitivity of the module so it can detect if the surface is black or white
Voltage : 5VDC
Size : 40x12mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Magic light cup module for Arduino KY-027


Magic light cup module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module uses a mercury tilt switch to activate an LED. There is also a digital output connected through an inbuilt 10K resistor.
Voltage : 5VDC
Size 16x12mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Magnetic reed switch module for Arduino KY-025


Magnetic reed switch module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module uses a reed switch along with an op-amp and potentiometer to output a digital output as well as an analogue output. 
Voltage : 5VDC
Size 36x16mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

MAX31865 RTD to Digital Converter for PT100/PT1000 Temperature Probes


MAX31865 RTD to Digital Temperature Sensor Amplifier Board


This module allows you to interface 2, 3 or 4 wire platinum RTDs (Resistance Temperature Sensor) to a microcontroller. 

Temperature range : -55C to 125C

Voltage : 5VDC

Size 19x15mm



(inc VAT £3.00)

Mercury tilt switch module for Arduino KY-017


Mercury tilt switch module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module has a small glass bead with a ball of mercury in it that will either make or break a contact if it is tilted. It also has a surface mounted LED that can be connected to iluminate when the switch is activated. 
Voltage : 3.3 to 5VDC
Size 19x15mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Metal touch sensor module for Arduino KY-036


Metal touch sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module uses a darlington NPN transistor and a comparator to detect when the base of the transistor (or what you connect it to) gets touched.It will give a digital output as well as an analogue output and it has potentiometer to adjust the sensitivity for the digital output
Voltage : 5VDC
Size 36x16mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Methane gas sensor module for Arduino MQ-4


Methane gas sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module has a sensitive methane sensor that will detect levels of methane in the air. The sensor outputs a varying voltage on the analogue pin depending on the level of methane and it has a comparator to give you a digital out at when the methane level reaches a certain level, this can be set with the built in potentiometer.
Please note, this sensor needs to warm up for 20 seconds before it will give a stable reading.
Voltage : 5VDC
Current : 150mA
Sensitivity : 300 to 10000ppm
Size 32x21mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Microphone sound sensor module for Arduino KY-038


Microphone sound sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module uses a minature microphone to detect sound levels. It also has a comparator to give a digital output as well as an analogue output and potentiometer to adjust the level for the digital output
Voltage : 5VDC
Size 36x16mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

Mini magnetic reed switch module for Arduino KY-021


Mini magnetic reed switch module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module has a small reed switch that is normaly open and will close when it comes close to a magnet.
Voltage : 3.3 to 5VDC
Size 19x15mm


(inc VAT £3.00)

MQ135 Air Quality Gas Sensor


Air quality sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module has a sensitive gas sensor that can measure the air quality. It can measure gaseous compounds and elements such as ammonia (NH3), nitrogen oxides (NOx) carbon dioxide (CO2), benzene (C6H6) and other harmful gases. The sensor outputs a varying voltage on the analogue pin depending on the level of pollutants and it has a comparator to give you a digital output when the level of pollutants reaches a certain level. This can be set with the built-in potentiometer.
Please note, this sensor needs to warm up for a couple of minutes before it will give a stable reading.
Voltage : 5VDC
Current : 150mA
Sensitivity : 300 to 10000ppm
Size 32x21mm


(inc VAT £4.20)

MQ2 Combustible Gas & Smoke Sensor


Combustible gas and smoke sensor module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module has a sensitive gas sensor that can measure smoke and various combustible gases. It can measure compunds such as LPG, Propane, Methane and smoke. The sensor outputs a varying voltage on the analogue pin depending on the level of gases present and it has a comparator to give you a digital output when the level of combustible gases reaches a certain level. This can be set with the built-in potentiometer.
Please note, this sensor needs to warm up for a couple of minutes before it will give a stable reading.
Voltage : 5VDC
Current : 150mA
Sensitivity : 300 to 10000ppm
Size 32x21mm


(inc VAT £4.20)

Object detection/avoidance module for Arduino KY-032


Object detection/avoidance module for Arduino and other microcontroller projects

This module uses an IR diode and IR receiver that will detect if there is an object  in front of the module. It also has 2 potentiometers to adjust the sensitivity of the module
Voltage : 5VDC
Size : 44x18mm


(inc VAT £3.00)
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