Tiny 35mm 5MP High Definition AHD Pinhole Camera

Views: 1128
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(inc VAT £46.80)
Weight 0.25 Kg
Item Condition New
Item Number CAP5M

35mm Square Miniature 5MP AHD Camera with 3.6mm Pinhole Lens

So small, you can hide it behind almost anything with just a tiny hole for the lens! 


A tiny 35mm square and only 10mm deep (20mm with lens), this camera gives the exceptional High Definition you would expect from a larger, more expensive camera. Ideal for use where detail is imperative but discretion is required. Very easy to fit in a clock, picture, behind a notice board etc. Just needs a small 4mm hole for the lens to look through.


You can use our YAU microphone module to capture sound as well. 



Chipsets: High Quality 5MP CMOS Sensor

Usable Ilumination: 0.01LUX

Resolution: 5MP AHD 

Lens: Pinhole 3.6mm Conical Pinhole

Power Reqd: 12V 200mA

Terminations: BNC Video & DC Connectors

Dimensions: 35 x 35 x 20mm